Sightline User Enrollment

Payment Method Sightline Deposit and Withdrawal is used in the US.

  1. The merchant calls PXP Financial for Enrollment with the MemberNumber or MemberID. It´s an unique ID assigned by the merchant to every of their users.
  2. PXP Financial calls Sightline with various parameters including the AccountIdentifierType set to MemberNumber and the MemberNumber
  3. Sightline returns the Token
  4. PXP Financial assembles POST data with token and returns it to the merchant
  5. The merchant does a POST request from the user´s browser within an iframe, so that the signup page is displayed with the funding option
  6. After closing the iframe, the customer is returned to the merchant´s cashier/checkout
  7. The merchant calls PXP Financial to do a balance inquiry (getPaymentInputData) to check if the user has successfully signed up.
  8. PXP Financial calls Sightline, and Sightline returns balance inquiry response.
  9. PXP Financial returns parsed data from balance inquiry to merchant containing data such as balance, authorization code
  10. The merchant updates the enrolment status in the PXP Financial system (UserEnrollmentOperation).



On the page offering the customer to spend (deposit) funds, a button to ADD FUNDS should also be displayed. When the ADD FUNDS button is clicked, the merchant should - through the enrollment process - submit the POST message to Sightline which will invoke the SPAN express iframe.

On that iframe, Sightline will lookup the MemberID, and if no account exists, they will display the Enrollment page. If a members is already enrolled, they will display the Funding page. This doesn´t have to be distinguished on the merchant´s side.

Enrollment - Payment Service V5 API

The following HTTP headers are required for all requests:

Querystring Parameter NameDescription
AuthorizationBasic HTTP authorization
Content TypeApplication/JSON

Sightline Enrollment

For enrollment of user to Sightline the following request has to be sent:


Sightline Enrollment

... with the following JSON request data parameters:

MerchantID (Mandatory)The ID of the Merchant
ClientSystemUserEnrollmentId (Mandatory)The ID of the SystemUserEnrollmentID. It should be an unique ID.
Type (Mandatory)Type of account. i.e account.sightline
UserID (Mandatory)The ID of the user
ReturnURL (Mandatory)MerchantReturnURL
MemberNumber (Mandatory)MemberNumber ID of the user

User enrollment will require that the user fields listed below are considered mandatory:

FirstName (Mandatory)User´s first name.
LastName (Mandatory)User´s last name.
Email (Mandatory)User´s email address.
TelephoneNumber (Mandatory)User´s phone number.
Street (Mandatory)User´s address (street).
City (Mandatory)User´s address (city).
State (Mandatory)User´s address (state).
Country (Mandatory)User´s address (country).
PostalCode (Mandatory)User´s address (zip code).

JSON Response Data Parameters:

ID (Mandatory)The ID of the user enrollment
State (Mandatory)The status of the user enrollment (i.e. Pending)
MemberNumber (Mandatory)Enrollment HTML form as string
FirstName (Mandatory)User First Name
LastName (Mandatory)User Last Name
PhoneNumber (Mandatory)User Phone Number
Email (Mandatory)User eMail address
Address (Mandatory)User Address
City (Mandatory)User City
State (Mandatory)User State
Country (Mandatory)User Country
PostalCode (Mandatory)User Postal Code
Identity Token (Mandatory)Identity Token is required for new Request
MerchantID (Mandatory)Merchant ID
MerchantApplication (Mandatory)Merchant Application Name
MerchantTransactionID (Mandatory)Merchant Transaction ID
ReturnURL (Mandatory)Merchant Return URL
MerchantName (Mandatory)Merchant Name
ProviderSourceURL (Mandatory)Provider source URL

Please note that ProviderEnrollmentHtml and ProviderSourceURL are in URL encoded string format. Please URL decode the values before using them.

Example EnrollmentRequest:

"merchantId": "B2BTestMerchant",
"clientSystemUserEnrollmentId": "1234556",
"type": "account.sightline",
"details": {
  "ReturnURL": "",
  "MemberNumber": "1234"}  

Example EnrollmentResponse:

 "id": "0d652af0-c838-48e1-aa0d-9ab3cb9b03f5",
 "state": " EnrollmentRedirectDataCreated",
 "details": {
"MemberNumber": "1234",
      		 "FirstName": "TestFirstName",
      		 "LastName": "TestLastName",
    		    "PhoneNumber": "9898989898",
  		     "Email": "[email protected]",
    		     "Address": "Marxergasse1B",
        "City": "Vienna Test",
        "State": "NV",
        "Country": "US",
        "PostalCode": "38242",
        "MerchantID": "KalixaCasino",
        "MerchantApplication": "KAX01",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "1234556",
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "MerchantName": "B2BTestMerchant",
        "ProviderSourceURL": ""             		   }

In order to redirect the customer to Sightline, the merchant should use a POST request from the user´s browser to the URL returned in the field ProviderSourceURL. See a sample below:

This file is provided as an example of the http form post used to launch SPANExpress. <br/><br/>
	1. Replace the text inside the value="" tags with info that is specific to your card program. <br/>
	2. Make sure you have a fresh ID token.  <br/>
	3. Save this file as HTML.  <br/>
	4. Open this file in a browser.  <br/>
	5. Click the Launch button.  <br/><br/>
<form name="LaunchSpanExpress" action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="MemberNumber" id="MemberNumber" value="56768615" />
    <input type="hidden" name="FirstName" id="FirstName" value="TestFirstName" />
    <input type="hidden" name="LastName" id="LastName" value="TestLastName" />
    <input type="hidden" name="PhoneNumber" id="PhoneNumber" value="9898989898" />
    <input type="hidden" name="Email" id="Email" value="[email protected]" />
    <input type="hidden" name="Address" id="Address" value="Marxergasse1B" />
    <input type="hidden" name="City" id="City" value="Vienna Test" />
    <input type="hidden" name="State" id="State" value="NJ" />
    <input type="hidden" name="Country" id="Country" value="US" />
    <input type="hidden" name="PostalCode" id="PostalCode" value="38242" /> 
    Token: <input type="text" name="IdentityToken" id="IdentityToken" value=""/>
    <input type="hidden" name="MerchantID" id="MerchantID" value="KalixaCasino" />
    <input type="hidden" name="MerchantApplication" id="MerchantApplication" value="KAX01" />
    <input type="hidden" name="MerchantTransactionID" id="MerchantTransactionID" value="1234556" />
    <input type="hidden" name="ReturnURL" id="ReturnURL" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="MerchantName" id="MerchantName" value="B2BTestMerchant" />
    <input type="submit" value="Launch SPANExpress" />

Enrollment Operations


Enrollment Operations

Querystring Parameters:

UserEnrollmentId (Mandatory)The ID of the Enrollment

JSON Request Data Parameters:

MerchantID (Mandatory)The ID of the Merchant
ClientSystemUserEnrollmentId (Mandatory)The ID of the SystemUserEnrollmentID. It should be an unique ID.
Type (Mandatory)Type of account. i.e MoveToEnrolled/MoveToEnrollmentFailed
UserID (Mandatory)The ID of the User
ReturnURL (Mandatory)Merchant ReturnURL
MemberNumber (Mandatory)MemberNumber ID of the User

JSON Response Data Parameters:

ID (Mandatory)The ID of the User Enrollment
State (Mandatory)Status of the User Enrollment. i.e Enrolled
Details (Mandatory)Error details if any.

Example MoveToEnrolled Request:

"merchantId": "B2BTestMerchant",
"clientSystemUserEnrollmentId": "1234556",
"type": "MoveToEnrolled",
"details": {
  "ReturnURL": "",
  "MemberNumber": "1234"}  

Example MoveToEnrolled Response:

 "id": "0d652af0-c838-48e1-aa0d-9ab3cb9b03f5",
 "state": " Enrolled",
 "details": { null   }

Example MoveToEnrollment Failed Request:

"merchantId": "B2BTestMerchant",
"clientSystemUserEnrollmentId": "1234556",
"type": "MoveToEnrollmentFailed",
"details": {
  "ReturnURL": "",
  "MemberNumber": "1234"}  

Example MoveToEnrollment Failed Response:

 "id": "0d652af0-c838-48e1-aa0d-9ab3cb9b03f5",
 "state": " EnrollmentFailed",
 "details": { null   }               