Add Shipping Details to Deposits

Sending the shipping details to some payment providers enables the use of additional services (like Paypal's Guaranteed Payment). The merchant has to collect the shipping information from the user and pass it in

  • getRedirectDataRequest.additionalDetails (in case of Redirect Integration, see getRedirectData) or
  • initiatePaymentRequest.shippingDetails (in case of Backend2Backend Integration, see initiatePayment)

collection respectively.

Redirect Integration

Example of valid shipping details for a PayPalDeposit:

  <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
    <value>Max Mustermann</value>
  <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
    <value>Marxergasse 1B</value>
  <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
  <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
  <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
  <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
  <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
  <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">

Backend2Backend Integration

Example of valid shipping details for a PayPalDeposit:

  <name>John Doe</name>