Mandatory Data per CDD-Level

In order to perform a successful merchant registration, certain data is required for the merchant, shop, relatedPerson, relatedCompany and/or bankAccount resources in the POST /merchants request - depending on the Customer Due Diligence Level ("Soletrader" or "Standard").


Payment Facilitators

For Payment Facilitators, the set of mandatory data for a merchant request will depend on the specific distribution of responsibilities between the partner and PXP Financial. This will be defined as part of the setup process.


The following data is required for the merchant resource in the POST /merchants request - depending on the Customer Due Diligence Level ("Soletrader" or "Standard").

API fieldDescriptionSoleTraderStandard
nameThe company name or abbreviation.MandatoryMandatory
legalNameThe company name as it is officially incorporated.MandatoryMandatory
incorporationAddressThe address of the company where it is officially incorporated.
All address fields need to be provided:
- street
- city
- postalCode
- country
operationAddressThe address of the company where it is operating from.
If provided all address fields need to be provided:
- street
- city
- postalCode
- country
To be provided if different from the incorporation address.
To be provided if different from the incorporation address.
billingAddressThe billing address of the company.
If provided all address fields need to be provided:
- street
- city
- postalCode
- country
To be provided if different from the incorporation address.
To be provided if different from the incorporation address.
legalFormThe legal form of the company.
Options to choose from:
- NonProfitCorporation
- Partnership
- PrivateCompany
- PublicListedCompany
- SoleProprietor
- SoleTrader
- Trust
- UnincorporatedAssociation
merchantCategoryCodeThe MCC code which identifies the type of business conducted as ISO 18245 4-digit code (
If not provided, the merchant cannot be qualified for Fast Onboarding Flow (see Fast Onboarding).
If not provided, the merchant cannot be qualified for Fast Onboarding Flow (see Fast Onboarding).
pciLevelThe Payment Card Industry level of the merchant. The PCI Level of a merchant can be either 1, 2, 3 or 4. See Required Documents for more information about PCI levels and the related documents.MandatoryMandatory
incorporationDateThe exact starting date of the corporation, as it appears on the company registry of the country of incorporation.MandatoryMandatory
incorporationNumberThe federal number assigned to the business in the company registry at the time of incorporation.Mandatory
For merchants with legalForm = SoleTrader or SoleProprietor it could be that no incorporation number was assigned during incorporation. In such a case "n/a" is accepted.
taxNumberThe Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of the primary location in which the merchant is doing business.MandatoryMandatory
paymentMethodConfig.useAccountStatusInquiryThe information if Account Status Inquiry is required (true) or not (false).
If true, the Card Verifications payment methods will be activated for this merchant in the PXP Financial processing system.
Default if parameter is not sent is false.
Has to be provided as "true" if Account Status Inquiry is needed.
If not needed, parameter need not be sent (default = false).
Has to be provided as "true" if Account Status Inquiry is needed.
If not needed, parameter need not be sent (default = false).
baseCurrencyCodeThe reporting currency of the merchant as ISO 4217 3-digit code ( Used in PXP Financial reports for aggregating authorized amounts in different currencies. If not provided, the default value is EUR.OptionalOptional
estimatedMonthlyVolumeInEURAn amount in EUR greater than zero that gives an indication of the expected monthly turnover of the merchant.MandatoryMandatory
lowestAmountPerTransactionInEURAn amount in EUR greater than zero that gives an indication of the minimum limit for authorized amounts.OptionalOptional
highestAmountPerTransactionInEURAn amount in EUR greater than zero that gives an indication of the maximum limit for authorized amounts.OptionalOptional
averageAmountPerTransactionInEURAn amount in EUR greater than zero that gives an indication of the average authorization amounts.MandatoryMandatory
estimatedNumberOfTransactionsPerMonthAn estimate about the number of authorizations per month (greater than zero).OptionalOptional
isStartupThe information if the merchant is a start up company (true/false).

Depending on the value of this parameter some documents and questions become mandatory or optional.

See Additional Onboarding Questions and Required Documents for more information.
isChargebackOrFraudAnalysisProcessInPlaceThe information if the merchant has a chargeback or fraud analysis process in place.MandatoryMandatory
isRegulatedByAMLGuidelineThe information if the merchant’s business is regulated by AML guidance.MandatoryMandatory
settlementCurrenciesA list of all currencies required for settlements.
PXP Financial currently supports the following settlement currencies: EUR, GBP, USD, NOK, SEK, DKK, PLN, CHF, JPY, CAD and AUD.
fraudRatiosForThePastMonthsA list of fraud ratios for the last three months for the specific card schemes (Visa, Mastercard), expressed in percentage. Applicable for merchants that are already accepting cards.

Note: If the business is a startup (isStartup=true) then 0% can be provided.
chargebackCountRatiosForThePastMonthsA list of chargeback count ratios for the last three months for the specific card schemes (Visa, Mastercard), expressed in percentage. Applicable for merchants that are already accepting cards.

Note: If the business is a startup (isStartup=true) then 0% can be provided.
companyPhoneNumberThe primary phone number to be used to contact the merchant.MandatoryMandatory
licenseOrAuthorizationNumberThe number of the license/authorization held by the merchant, if such a license is required to operate the business.
If a license number was provided, then a document with type BusinessLicense is needed.
If no license number was provided, the question NoLicenseOrAuthorizationNumberProvided has to be answered. See Additional Onboarding Questions for more information.
Mandatory if MCC is 7995, 6012, 6051, 6211, 5912Mandatory if MCC is 7995, 6012, 6051, 6211, 5912
businessLicenseExpirationDateThe date when the business license/authorization expires. Only needs to be provided in case such a license is required to operate the business.Mandatory if MCC is 7995, 6012, 6051, 6211, 5912Mandatory if MCC is 7995, 6012, 6051, 6211, 5912
deliveryOrFulfillmentTimeframeThe delivery or fulfilment time for the items/goods/services that are sold by the merchants shops.
Options to choose from:
- Instant
- UpTo7
- UpTo14
- UpTo30
- MoreThan30
vatNumberThe value added tax identification number or VAT identification number (VATINT) of the primary location in which the merchant is doing business.
Used for billing purposes and has to be provided if exists for a merchant.
preScreenMerchantIdThe unique identifier of the approved PreScreenMerchant element which was received in the response of a newPreScreenMerchant request (if applicable). Used for verifying that the pre-screened Merchant was approved.Optional, but has to be provided in case the optional pre-screening was done before.Optional, but has to be provided in case the optional pre-screening was done before.
partnerIdThe id of the partner that is submitting this onboarding request. This id is assigned upon partner onboarding and should be used for all applications.MandatoryMandatory
shopsAll shops that should be registered for the merchant, see mandatory parameters below.At least one shop is mandatory.
For every merchant one or more CNP-shops can be registered, but only one CP shop is allowed.
At least one shop is mandatory.
For every merchant one or more CNP-shops can be registered, but only one CP shop is allowed.
relatedPeopleAll related people that should be registered for the merchant.Mandatory parameters are described below.Mandatory parameters are described below.
relatedCompaniesAll related companies that should be registered for the merchant.Mandatory parameters are described below.Mandatory parameters are described below.
bankAccountsAll bank accounts that should be registered for the merchant.Mandatory parameters are described below.Mandatory parameters are described below.
questionAnswerPairsAnswers for all mandatory questions.Mandatory parameters are described in section Onboarding Questions.Mandatory parameters are described in section Onboarding Questions.


The following parameters are mandatory for a shop where cardAcceptanceMode is CNP (card not present/ecom) and isMotoOnlyBusiness is false meaning that the ecommerce shop does not process only MOTO transactions :

  • url.The URL of the shop's main website where the items/goods/services are sold.
  • domainOwnership
  • activationState
  • volumeSpreadByProcessing (ecom, moto, recurring). The percentage of volumes for the different creation types must add up to 100%.

The above parameters are not applicable for shops where cardAcceptanceMode is CP (card present) and would be ignored in case provided.

For every merchant one or more CNP-shops can be registered, but only one CP shop is allowed.

The following data is required for the Shop resource in the POST /merchants request - depending on the Customer Due Diligence Level ("Soletrader" or "Standard").

API fieldDescriptionSoleTraderStandard
nameThe name of the shop or an abbreviation.MandatoryMandatory
cardAcceptanceModeThe information if the Shop operates in card present (CP) or card not present (CNP) mode. Used for setting up the Shop correctly with the Card Schemes.
- CP

If card not present (CNP) is selected, the following parameters are mandatory:
- isMotoOnlyBusiness
- url
- domainOwnership
- activationState
isMotoOnlyBusinessThe information if a card not present (CNP) shop processes only MOTO transactions (=true, otherwise false).

If card not present (CNP) is selected in cardAcceptanceMode and isMotoOnlyBusiness=false, the following parameters (see below rows) become mandatory:
- url
- domainOwnership
- activationState
Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNP. For cardAcceptanceMode = CP not applicable.Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNP. For cardAcceptanceMode = CP not applicable.
urlThe URL of the shop's main website where the items/goods/services are sold if cardAcceptanceMode equals CNP (ecommerce). The URL of the company website can be provided in this field if cardAcceptanceMode equals CP (POS).Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNPandisMotoOnlyBusiness=false`.Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNPandisMotoOnlyBusiness=false`.
domainOwnershipThe information if the domain is owned by the merchant or its belongs to a retail platform.
Options to choose from:
- Own
- RetailPlatform
Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNPandisMotoOnlyBusiness=false`.Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNPandisMotoOnlyBusiness=false`.
activationStateThe information if the provided URL is already live or still in a test or beta mode.
Options to choose from:
- LiveAcceptingCards
- LiveNotAcceptingCards
- Test
- BetaVersion
Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNPandisMotoOnlyBusiness=false`.Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNPandisMotoOnlyBusiness=false`.
countryCodeThe country code of the country out of which this website operates or does the main business.MandatoryMandatory
billingDescriptor1The name of the Shop in a way the customer recognizes it. Used for card transactions and will appear on the 1st line of the billing descriptor.MandatoryMandatory
billingDescriptor2Usually the location out of which the shop operates. Used for card transactions acquired by PXP Financial and will appear on the 2nd line of the billing descriptor.MandatoryMandatory
volumeSpreadByProcessingAn indication how the volume is expected to be distributed across different types of transactions. Expressed in percentage which needs to sum up to 100. Allowed only for shops where cardAcceptanceMode equals CNP (ecommerce).Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNP`.Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNP`.
volumeSpreadByRegionAn indication how the volume is expected to be distributed across regions. Expressed in percentage which needs to sum up to 100.MandatoryMandatory
volumeSpreadBySchemeAn indication how the volume is expected to be distributed across schemes. Expressed in percentage which needs to sum up to 100.MandatoryMandatory
questionAnswerPairsAnswers for all mandatory questions.Mandatory parameters are described in section Onboarding Questions.Mandatory parameters are described in section Onboarding Questions.
preScreenShopIdThe unique identifier of the approved PreScreenShop element which was received in the response of a newPreScreenMerchant request (if applicable). Used for verifying that the pre-screened Shop was approved.Optional, but has to be provided in case the optional pre-screening was done before.Optional, but has to be provided in case the optional pre-screening was done before.

Related People

Every merchant application that gets submitted to PXP Financial has to include information on the company ownership.


Merchant obligation to provide all relevant related persons

A merchant is obliged to provide information about all people in the company that are Owners, Shareholders, Director or Executive or Ultimate Beneficiary.

When a new merchant is onboarded, one or more persons have to be provided that have certain role/roles:

  1. At least one and maximum one relatedPerson with the role Signatory is mandatory (min/max=1).
  2. At least one relatedPerson with the role Owner or UltimateBeneficiary is mandatory.
  3. At least one relatedPerson with the role TechnicalContact is mandatory.
  4. At least one relatedPerson with the role OperationalContact is mandatory.

For the following roles, the listed optional fields will become mandatory:

  • address: Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, Signatory
  • phoneNumber: TechnicalContact, OperationalContact
  • dateOfBirth: Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, Signatory
  • email: all roles
  • shareOrOwnershipPercentage: Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, Signatory
  • isListedOnPEP: Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, Signatory

The following data is required for the Related Person resource in the POST /merchants request - depending on the Customer Due Diligence Level ("Soletrader" or "Standard").

API fieldDescriptionSoletraderStandard
rolesA list of roles the person holds.
Options to choose from:
- Owner
- Shareholder
- DirectorOrExecutive
- UltimateBeneficiary
- OperationalContact
- TechnicalContact
- Signatory
firstnameThe persons first name.MandatoryMandatory
lastnameThe persons last name.MandatoryMandatory
addressThe address of the person.
If provided all address fields need to be provided:
- street
- city
- postalCode
- country
Mandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, SignatoryMandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, Signatory
phoneNumberA landline or mobile number where the person can be contacted, including country prefix.Mandatory if role is TechnicalContact or OperationalContact.Mandatory if role is TechnicalContact or OperationalContact.
dateOfBirthThe date of birth of the person.Mandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, SignatoryMandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, Signatory
skypeNameThe skype contact, if available.OptionalOptional
emailThe persons valid email address. Used for contacting this person by PXP Financial if necessary. Required for roles TechnicalContact and OperationalContact.Mandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder,
DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, TechnicalContact, OperationalContact, Signatory
Mandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder,
DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, TechnicalContact, OperationalContact, Signatory
shareOrOwnershipPercentageA percentage amount that indicates the ownership participation of the person.Mandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, SignatoryMandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, Signatory
passportOrGovernmentNumberThe unique identifier of the persons Passport or government number.Mandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, SignatoryMandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, Signatory
passportOrGovernmentIDExpirationDateThe date when the passport or the government-ID expires.Mandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, SignatoryMandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, Signatory
isListedOnPEPThe information if the related person is listed on PEP. PEP is short for "politically exposed person", a natural person who is or who has been entrusted with prominent public functions.Mandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, SignatoryMandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder, DirectorOrExecutive, UltimateBeneficiary, Signatory

Related Company

Every merchant application that gets submitted to PXP Financial has to include information on the company ownership.

  • All relatedCompany(s) with one of these roles: Owner, UltimateBeneficiary, Shareholder or ExclusiveOwner or ExclusiveShareholder are mandatory.

For the following roles, the listed optional fields will become mandatory:

  • shareOrOwnershipPercentage: Owner, Shareholder, UltimateBeneficiary

The following data is required for the Related Company resource in the POST /merchants request for the Customer Due Diligence Level "Standard".


A merchant with CDD-Level "Soletrader" should by definition not have a related company. It is not allowed to send any related company in the POST /merchants request.

API fieldDescriptionStandard
rolesA list of roles that this company takes in the context of this application.

Options to select from:
- Owner
- ExclusiveOwner
- Shareholder
- UltimateBeneficiary
- ExclusiveShareholder
nameThe legal company name.Mandatory
incorporationAddressThe address of the company where it is incorporated.
All address fields need to be provided:
- street
- city
- postalCode
- country
taxNumberThe taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of the company.Mandatory
incorporationDateThe exact starting date of the corporation, as it appears on the company registry of the country of incorporation.Mandatory
incorporationNumberThe federal number assigned to the business in the company registry at the time of incorporation.Mandatory
shareOrOwnershipPercentageA percentage amount that indicates the ownership participation of the company.Mandatory if role is Owner, Shareholder or UltimateBeneficiary.

Bank Account

Partners that are settling funds to their merchants directly (Payment Facilitators) are not allowed to send any bank account data (this is rejected by the API).
For any other partner, bank account data will be mandatory.

The following rules apply:

  1. At least one bank account needs to be sent for every merchant if the partner is not a Payment Facilitator.
  2. IBAN/BIC or AccountNumber/BankCode need to be filled for every bank account. IBAN/BIC is preferred where available.
  3. The bank account must be owned by the merchant or its parent company. This means that
    the HolderName of the bank account needs to be exactly the same as either
  • the legal name of the merchant (field legalName of the merchant) or
  • the name of a RelatedCompany with the role ExclusiveShareholder or ExclusiveOwner (direct 100% shareholder).

The following data is required for the BankAccount resource in the POST /merchants request - there are no differences based on the Customer Due Diligence Level ("Soletrader" or "Standard").

API fieldDescriptionSoleTrader and Standard
bankNameThe name of the bank at which this account is held.Mandatory
accountNumberThe account number of the bank account. Should only be provided if the account does not have an IBAN.IBAN/BIC or AccountNumber/BankCode need to be filled for every bank account. IBAN/BIC is preferred where available.
bankCodeThe bank code of the bank at which this account is held. Should only be provided if the account does not have a BIC code.IBAN/BIC or AccountNumber/BankCode need to be filled for every bank account. IBAN/BIC is preferred where available.
countryCodeThe country code for the country in which this account was created.Mandatory
currencyCodeThe currency code for the currency in which the account is held.Mandatory
holderNameThe name of the person that is registered as the account holder.

The holderName of the bank account needs to be exactly the same as either
the legal name of the merchant (field legalName of the merchant) or
the name of a RelatedCompany with the role ExclusiveShareholder or ExclusiveOwner (direct 100% shareholder).
ibanThe IBAN of the bank account.IBAN/BIC or AccountNumber/BankCode need to be filled for every bank account. IBAN/BIC is preferred where available.
bicThe BIC code of the bank at which this account is held.IBAN/BIC or AccountNumber/BankCode need to be filled for every bank account. IBAN/BIC is preferred where available.