Creation Types

The below list shows all possible creation types that can be used as creationTypeID in Initiate New Payment (Backend2Backend).

1UserPayment generated by user via web interface
4EcomRecurringPayment that generates a set of recurring transactions
6ProviderPayment generated by provider system based on provider notification or reconciliation/settlement file (for example PayPal withdrawal refunds reported in settlement file)
7MotoRecurringPayment that generates a set of recurring transactions by Moto
8EcomInstallmentPayment that generates a set of installments
9MotoInstallmentPayment that generates a set of installments by Moto
10MerchantInitiatedWithStoredAccountPayment that is initiated by a merchant, with the consent of the cardholder, using the cardholder's stored credit card credentials
11UserInitiatedWithStoredAccountPayment that is initiated by a cardholder using the cardholder's stored credit card credentials
12POSPayment generated by user via cash registers (POS)


Historic Creation Types

For Visa and MasterCard payments, Creation Type ID 3 (API) should be considered as deprecated in favour of Creation Types 10 and 11, which must be used in accordance with Card Scheme regulations to indicate the 2 primary types of stored credential transactions. More information can be found on our Card On File Deposits (with Tokenization) section and our PSD 2 Implementation Guideline.