Creation Types
The below list shows all possible creation types that can be used as creationTypeID
in Initiate New Payment (Backend2Backend).
ID | Name | Description |
1 | User | Payment generated by user via web interface |
4 | EcomRecurring | Payment that generates a set of recurring transactions |
6 | Provider | Payment generated by provider system based on provider notification or reconciliation/settlement file (for example PayPal withdrawal refunds reported in settlement file) |
7 | MotoRecurring | Payment that generates a set of recurring transactions by Moto |
8 | EcomInstallment | Payment that generates a set of installments |
9 | MotoInstallment | Payment that generates a set of installments by Moto |
10 | MerchantInitiatedWithStoredAccount | Payment that is initiated by a merchant, with the consent of the cardholder, using the cardholder's stored credit card credentials |
11 | UserInitiatedWithStoredAccount | Payment that is initiated by a cardholder using the cardholder's stored credit card credentials |
12 | POS | Payment generated by user via cash registers (POS) |
Historic Creation Types
For Visa and MasterCard payments, Creation Type ID 3 (API) should be considered as deprecated in favour of Creation Types 10 and 11, which must be used in accordance with Card Scheme regulations to indicate the 2 primary types of stored credential transactions. More information can be found on our Card On File Deposits (with Tokenization) section and our PSD 2 Implementation Guideline.
Updated 9 months ago