Please note the following terms before you start reading the documentation:
- Merchant: The company selling goods or services and using PXP Financial for processing the corresponding financial transactions.
- Shop: The website belonging to a merchant where goods or services are offered to customers. A merchant can have several different shops/websites.
- Customer: The registered customer at a merchant's web site who is buying goods or services from the merchant. The terms customer and "user" are used interchangeably in this documentation. Note that customers are associated to a merchant, not shop.
- Payment: A transfer of funds either from customer to merchant, or from merchant to customer. The term payment and "transaction" are used interchangeably in this documentation.
- Deposit: Subtype of Payment representing a transfer of funds from customer to merchant. Also known as Sale, Purchase.
- Withdrawal: Subtype of Payment representing a transfer of funds from merchant to customer. Also known as Payout, Cashout. It is applicable to merchants in Gaming and Binary Options industries for example in which customers can receive winnings for example.
- Deposit Reversal: Subtype of Payment representing a transfer of funds from merchant to customer for reverting a previously performed deposit.
- Chargeback: Subtype of Payment representing a transfer of funds from merchant to customer after the customer has asked his bank to revert a card deposit.
- Card Refund: Subtype of Payment representing a transfer of funds from merchant to customer as a compensation for a previously processed card deposit.
- Payment Method: Attribute of every Payment. Represents the combination of transaction type (Deposit, Withdrawal, Chargeback, Refund, etc.) and the payment option chosen by the customer, e.g. Credit Card (Visa), Paypal, Paysafecard, etc.
- Payment Provider: The 3rd party (e.g. a company like Paypal, a bank, another PSP, 3rd Party Acquirer) which holds the customer funds and will approve the transaction, with corresponding credit/debit following the approval. A payment method may be supported by/implemented via 2 or more payment providers (e.g. Visa Deposit via PXP Financial Acquiring, via AIBMS, Wirecard or other 3rd party acquirers).
- Payment Account: The customer identification data at the provider for a specific payment method, e.g. card details, bank details, etc.
Payments can be created in PXP Financial Payment Service by using one of the following integration options:
- Redirect Integration: the customer is redirected to PXP Financial Hosted Payment Pages for entering the payment data. The majority of our direct merchants use this integration option.
- Backend2Backend Integration: the customer enters the payment data on the merchant's website which triggers a server-to-server call to PXP Financial Payment Service API to initiate the payment. The Backend2Backend Integration option gives the merchant the possibility to create the Payment UI by itself and to invoke the backend API for initiating payments. Partners and merchants with integrated Hosted Payment Pages use this integration option.
In both cases, after the payment has been triggered a notification will be sent from PXP Financial Payment Service to a merchant endpoint indicating what is the processing status of the payment. Alternatively, the merchant application can invoke a number of API methods for retrieving payment details, performing additional actions on a payments, etc.
PXP Financial has several APIs available to merchants:
- Payment Service v3: an XML POST API is the standard API offered to merchants for Redirect and Backend2Backend Integration.
- Payment Service v4: a REST/JSON API containing only functionality related to Direct Post Integration.
- Payment Service v5: a REST/JSON API containing only functionality related to user enrollment.
- Payment Service v6: a REST/JSON API supporting additional functionality like merchant onboarding.
Versions are complementary
Please note that newer versions do not fully replace older versions, in particular v4 and v5 contain only specific functionality and do not fully replace v3.
Requests to PaymentService via XML POST APIs should be performed using HTTP POST, e.g.:
POST /PaymentRedirectionService/PaymentService.svc/pox/getRedirectData HTTP/1.1
Host: api.test.kalixa.com:443
Basic-Authorization: xxxxxxxx
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: xxxxx
<getRedirectDataRequest ...
Requests to REST/JSON APIs should be performed using HTTP GET, POST or PUT, e.g.:
POST /api/v4/merchants HTTP/1.1
Host: api.test.kalixa.com:443
Basic-Authorization: xxxxxxxx
Content-Type: application/json, charset=utf-8
Accept: application/json
Content-Length: xxxxx
"merchantID": "xxx"
Updated over 6 years ago