Mandatory Data for Pre-Screening
In order to perform a successful request for a merchant pre-screening, certain data is required for the PreScreenMerchant
and PrescreenShop
resources in the POST /prescreen-merchants
See Onboarding Flow with Pre-Screening for details about the PXP Financial Merchant Pre-Screening service.
The following data is required for the PreScreenMerchant
resource in the POST /prescreen-merchants
API field | Description | Mandatory/Optional |
name | The company name or abbreviation | Mandatory |
legalName | The company name as it is officially incorporated | Mandatory |
legalForm | The legal form of the company. Options to choose from: - NonProfitCorporation - Partnership - PrivateCompany - PublicListedCompany - SoleProprietor - SoleTrader - Trust - UnincorporatedAssociation | Mandatory Based on this parameter the PXP Finanical Onboarding system will calculate the CDD-Level and return in the response. |
merchantCategoryCode | The MCC code which identifies the type of business conducted as ISO 18245 4-digit code ( | Optional If not provided, the merchant cannot be qualified for Fast Onboarding Flow (see Fast Onboarding). |
incorporationCountryCode | The country code of the country of incorporation as it appears on the company registry. Merchant registration requests for countries which are not listed as Allowed Countries will be declined. | Mandatory |
estimatedMonthlyVolumeInEUR | An amount in EUR greater than zero that gives an indication of the expected monthly turnover of the merchant. | Mandatory |
averageAmountPerTransactionInEUR | An amount in EUR greater than zero that gives an indication of the average authorization amounts. | Mandatory |
isAnyRelatedPersonListedOnPEP | The information if any of the related persons are listed on PEP. PEP is short for 'politically exposed person’, a natural person who is or who has been entrusted with prominent public functions. | Mandatory |
settlementCurrencies | A list of all currencies required for settlements. PXP Financial currently supports the following settlement currencies: EUR, GBP, USD, NOK, SEK, DKK, PLN, CHF, JPY, CAD and AUD | Optional |
fraudRatiosForThePastMonths | A list of fraud ratios for the last three months for the specific card schemes (Visa, Mastercard), expressed in percentage. Applicable for merchants that are already accepting cards. Note: If the business is a startup then 0% can be provided. | Mandatory |
chargebackCountRatiosForThePastMonths | A list of chargeback count ratios for the last three months for the specific card schemes (Visa, Mastercard), expressed in percentage. Applicable for merchants that are already accepting cards. Note: If the business is a startup, then 0% can be provided. | Mandatory |
notes | Additional details relevant for the merchant business setup and for the current pre-screening request. | Optional |
partnerId | The id of the partner that is submitting this pre-screening request. This id is assigned upon partner onboarding and should be used for all applications. | Mandatory |
shops | All shops that are intended to be onboarded for this merchant. See mandatory parameters for each shop below. | At least one shop is mandatory |
The following parameters are mandatory for a Prescreen-shop where cardAcceptanceMode
is CNP
(card not present/ecom) and isMotoOnlyBusiness is false
meaning that the ecommerce shop does not process only MOTO transactions:
.The URL of the shop's main website where the items/goods/services are sold.domainOwnership
The above parameters are not applicable for shops where cardAcceptanceMode
is CP
(card present) and would be ignored in case provided.
For every merchant one or more CNP-shops can be registered, but only one CP shop is allowed.
The following data is required for the PrescreenShop
element in the POST /prescreen-merchants
API field | Description | Mandatory/Optional |
name | The name of the shop or an abbreviation. | Mandatory |
cardAcceptanceMode | The information if the Shop operates in card present (CP) or card not present (CNP) mode. Used for setting up the Shop correctly with the Card Schemes. Options: - CP - CNP | Mandatory |
isMotoOnlyBusiness | The information if a card not present (CNP) shop processes only MOTO transactions (=true , otherwise false ).If card not present (CNP) is selected in cardAcceptanceMode and isMotoOnlyBusiness=false , the following parameters are mandatory:- url - domainOwnership - activationState | Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNP .Not applicable and should not be answered when cardAcceptanceMode = CP . |
url | The URL of the shop's main website where the items/goods/services are sold if cardAcceptanceMode equals CNP (ecommerce). If cardAcceptanceMode equals CP (POS) then the URL of the company website can be provided. | Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNP and isMotoOnlyBusiness=false |
domainOwnership | The information if the domain is owned by the merchant or its belongs to a retail platform. Options to choose from: - Own - RetailPlatform | Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNP and isMotoOnlyBusiness=false |
activationState | The information if the provided URL is already live or still in a test mode. | Mandatory if cardAcceptanceMode = CNP and isMotoOnlyBusiness=false |
Updated almost 6 years ago