Sightline Direct User Enrollment

Payment Method Sightline Deposit and Withdrawal is used in the US.

  1. The merchant calls PXP Financial for Enrollment with the MemberNumber and the PaymentAccountID of a previously registered credit card.
  2. PXP Financial calls Sightline with the provided MemberNumber to enroll the user.
  3. If enrollment fails, PXP Financial returns EnrollmentFailed state to the merchant.
  4. PXP Financial calls Sightine with the provided credit card data to fund the user account.
  5. PXP Financial returns Processed for Success cases or PaymentInitiationFailed if funding fails.


Payment Account registration

For payment account registration, check the V4 description here.


Alternative flow for PCI DSS compliant merchants

As an alternative to the requirement to pre-register a payment account via PXP Financial's V4 API, PCI DSS certified merchants can use an alternative flow where they can pass the required card data in clear form through the Backend2Backend User enrollment call.

Please see the samples section for further details.

Payment Service V5 API

The following HTTP headers are required for all requests:

Querystring Parameter NameDescription
AuthorizationBasic HTTP authorization
Content TypeApplication/JSON

Sightline Enrollment with funding

For enrollment of user to Sightline the following request has to be sent:


Sightline Enrollment with funding

... with the following JSON request data parameters:

MerchantID (Mandatory)The ID of the Merchant
ClientSystemUserEnrollmentId (Mandatory)The ID of the SystemUserEnrollmentID. It should be an unique ID.
Type (Mandatory)Type of account. i.e
UserID (Mandatory)The ID of the user
MemberNumber (Mandatory)MemberNumber ID of the user
PaymentAccountID (Conditionally mandatory)The payment account ID of the credit card to be used for funding. Merchants are expected to send either the PaymentAccountID or all four of the required card data: CardNumber, CardVerificationCode, ExpiryYear, ExpiryMonth.
CardNumber (Conditionally mandatory)The PAN of the funding card. Merchants are expected to send either the PaymentAccountID or all four of the required card data: CardNumber, CardVerificationCode, ExpiryYear, ExpiryMonth.
CardVerificationCode (Conditionally mandatory)The CVC/CVV of the funding card. Merchants are expected to send either the PaymentAccountID or all four of the required card data: CardNumber, CardVerificationCode, ExpiryYear, ExpiryMonth.
ExpiryYear (Conditionally mandatory)The expiry year of the funding card. Merchants are expected to send either the PaymentAccountID or all four of the required card data: CardNumber, CardVerificationCode, ExpiryYear, ExpiryMonth.
ExpiryMonth (Conditionally mandatory)The expiry month of the funding card. Merchants are expected to send either the PaymentAccountID or all four of the required card data: CardNumber, CardVerificationCode, ExpiryYear, ExpiryMonth.
Amount (Mandatory)The amount that the user intends to fund his Sightline account with.
Currency (Mandatory)The currrency of the amount that the user intends to fund his Sightline account with. Defaults to USD.

User enrollment will require that the user fields listed below are considered mandatory:

FirstName (Mandatory)User´s first name.
LastName (Mandatory)User´s last name.
Email (Mandatory)User´s email address.
TelephoneNumber (Mandatory)User´s phone number.
Street (Mandatory)User´s address (street).
City (Mandatory)User´s address (city).
State (Mandatory)User´s address (state).
Country (Mandatory)User´s address (country).
PostalCode (Mandatory)User´s address (zip code).
IdentificationNumber (Mandatory)User´s SSN.
DateOfBirth (Mandatory)User´s date of birth.


Optional KBA flow

For the optional KBA flow, see here


User registration

For user registration, check the V4 user registration description. Alternatively users can be registered or updated along with any regular payment.

JSON Response Data Parameters:

ID (Mandatory)The ID of the user enrollment
State (Mandatory)The status of the user enrollment - "Processed", "EnrollmentFailed" or "PaymentInitiationFailed".
StateDescription (Optional)Additional information about the status of the user enrollment
MemberNumber (Mandatory)MemberNumber ID of the user

Example EnrollmentRequest with payment account ID:

                "merchantId": "YourTestMerchant",
                "clientSystemUserEnrollmentId": "123455",
                "type": "",
                "details": {
                  "memberNumber": "1234",
                  "paymentAccountID": "557d2837-8c11-4bf2-9ccb-5b05c5345388",
                  "amount": 20.45,
                  "currency": "USD"

Example EnrollmentRequest with clear Card data:

    "merchantId": "YourTestMerchant",
    "clientSystemUserEnrollmentId": "123455",
    "type": "",
    "userId": "5678432",
    "details": {
            "MemberNumber": "1234",
            "Amount": 20.45,
            "Currency": "USD",
            "CardNumber": "4111111111111111",
            "CardVerificationCode": 456,
            "ExpiryYear": 2040,
            "ExpiryMonth": 04

Example EnrollmentResponse (success):

"id": "0d652af0-c838-48e1-aa0d-9ab3cb9b03f5",
"state": "Processed",
"details": {
           "memberNumber": "1234",
           "paymentAccountID": "557d2837-8c11-4bf2-9ccb-5b05c5345388"

Example EnrollmentResponse (failure during enrollment):

"id": "0d652af0-c838-48e1-aa0d-9ab3cb9b03f5",
"state": "EnrollmentFailed",
"stateDescription" : "DE - Duplicate Record found against SSN/DL/Foreign Ids",
"details": null

Example EnrollmentResponse (failure during funding):

"id": "0d652af0-c838-48e1-aa0d-9ab3cb9b03f5",
"state": "PaymentInitiationFailed",
"stateDescription" : "Auth or CL Load failed and was NOT reversed (DECLINED - CALL OPER)",
"details": {
	"memberNumber": "1234"

Example EnrollmentResponse (not all mandatory card data is provided):

    "code": "UserEnrollmentDeclined",
    "details": {
        "error": "ExpiryMonth is missing from the userEnrollment request's details when PaymentAccountID request's detail is not provided."

Enrollment - Stand-alone

For the required fields see the sample requests below. The details are listed in the section above.


Sightline stand-alone enrolment

Enrolment request without KBA:

	"merchantId": "Renegades_Test",
	"clientSystemUserEnrollmentId": "ABCDE00040",
	"type": "",
		"memberNumber": "KSDAJD551001001"

Enrolment response without KBA:

    "id": "1d005352-33a3-4cfc-9b8d-f4596d21df2a",
    "state": "Enrolled",
    "details": {
        "MemberNumber": "KSDAJD551001001"
    "stateDescription": "Enrolled"

Enrolment request with KBA:

	"merchantId": "Renegades_Test",
	"clientSystemUserEnrollmentId": "ABCDE00041",
	"type": "",
		"memberNumber": "KSDAJD551001001"

Enrolment response with KBA:

    "id": "d8b484d2-2e00-4882-8535-0a6ff9257b4b",
    "state": "PendingOnUserAction",
    "details": {
        "IdentityVerificationRequestId": 73819,
        "IdentityVerifierRequestId": "2823692553",
        "VerificationInformation": [
                "prompt": "Between 1979 and 1980, in which State did you live?",
                "type": "prior.residence.state.multiyear",
                "possibleAnswers": [
                        "key": "NEW YORK",
                        "value": "NEW YORK"
                        "key": "MISSOURI",
                        "value": "MISSOURI"
                        "key": "TEXAS",
                        "value": "TEXAS"
                        "key": "None of the above",
                        "value": "None of the above"
                "userAnswer": null
                "prompt": "In which city is ANY STREET?",
                "type": "city.of.residence",
                "possibleAnswers": [
                        "key": "PAULDING",
                        "value": "PAULDING"
                        "key": "ATLANTA",
                        "value": "ATLANTA"
                        "key": "THORNTON",
                        "value": "THORNTON"
                        "key": "None of the above",
                        "value": "None of the above"
                "userAnswer": null
                "prompt": "From whom did you purchase the property at 222333 PEACHTREE PLACE?",
                "type": "",
                "possibleAnswers": [
                        "key": "JOE ANDERSON",
                        "value": "JOE ANDERSON"
                        "key": "CHRIS THOMAS",
                        "value": "CHRIS THOMAS"
                        "key": "ERIC WALTORS",
                        "value": "ERIC WALTORS"
                        "key": "None of the above",
                        "value": "None of the above"
                "userAnswer": null
                "prompt": "What type of residence is 222333 PEACHTREE PLACE?",
                "type": "residence.type",
                "possibleAnswers": [
                        "key": "Townhome",
                        "value": "Townhome"
                        "key": "Apartment",
                        "value": "Apartment"
                        "key": "Single Family Residence",
                        "value": "Single Family Residence"
                        "key": "None of the above",
                        "value": "None of the above"
                "userAnswer": null
    "stateDescription": null

Second request with KBA answers:

        "verificationInformation": [
                "prompt": "Between 1979 and 1980, in which State did you live?",
                "type": "prior.residence.state.multiyear",
                "userAnswer": "NEW YORK"
                "prompt": "In which city is ANY STREET?",
                "type": "city.of.residence",
                "userAnswer": "ATLANTA"
                "prompt": "From whom did you purchase the property at 222333 PEACHTREE PLACE?",
                "type": "",
                "userAnswer": "JOE ANDERSON"
                "prompt": "What type of residence is 222333 PEACHTREE PLACE?",
                "type": "residence.type",
                "userAnswer": "Single Family Residence"

Second enrolment response with KBA:

    "id": "d8b484d2-2e00-4882-8535-0a6ff9257b4b",
    "state": "Enrolled",
    "details": {
        "VerificationInformation": [
                "prompt": "Between 1979 and 1980, in which State did you live?",
                "type": "prior.residence.state.multiyear",
                "possibleAnswers": [
                        "key": "NEW YORK",
                        "value": "NEW YORK"
                        "key": "MISSOURI",
                        "value": "MISSOURI"
                        "key": "TEXAS",
                        "value": "TEXAS"
                        "key": "None of the above",
                        "value": "None of the above"
                "userAnswer": "NEW YORK"
                "prompt": "In which city is ANY STREET?",
                "type": "city.of.residence",
                "possibleAnswers": [
                        "key": "PAULDING",
                        "value": "PAULDING"
                        "key": "ATLANTA",
                        "value": "ATLANTA"
                        "key": "THORNTON",
                        "value": "THORNTON"
                        "key": "None of the above",
                        "value": "None of the above"
                "userAnswer": "ATLANTA"
                "prompt": "From whom did you purchase the property at 222333 PEACHTREE PLACE?",
                "type": "",
                "possibleAnswers": [
                        "key": "JOE ANDERSON",
                        "value": "JOE ANDERSON"
                        "key": "CHRIS THOMAS",
                        "value": "CHRIS THOMAS"
                        "key": "ERIC WALTORS",
                        "value": "ERIC WALTORS"
                        "key": "None of the above",
                        "value": "None of the above"
                "userAnswer": "JOE ANDERSON"
                "prompt": "What type of residence is 222333 PEACHTREE PLACE?",
                "type": "residence.type",
                "possibleAnswers": [
                        "key": "Townhome",
                        "value": "Townhome"
                        "key": "Apartment",
                        "value": "Apartment"
                        "key": "Single Family Residence",
                        "value": "Single Family Residence"
                        "key": "None of the above",
                        "value": "None of the above"
                "userAnswer": "Single Family Residence"
    "stateDescription": null

Funding - Stand-alone

The stand-alone funding option utilizes our V3 API and more details on it can be found below.

IDNameCredit/Debit State
351CardUserAccountTopUpDepositedByProvider (29)


Sightline stand-alone funding

The following table contains the fields to be sent in the initiatePaymentRequest.specificPaymentData xml section:

key (value type, account type, required)value
(string, required)
User´s account ID for Sightline provider
(string, required)
Payment description
(string, required)
Language code of the payment description, i.e. en, de, fr, etc.

Example initiatePaymentRequest:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<initiatePaymentRequest xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
	<amount currencyCode="USD">10.00</amount>
		<data xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
		<data xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
		<data xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
			<data xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">

Example initiatePaymentResponse for successful funding:

<initiatePaymentResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <payment xsi:type="paymentWithPaymentAccount">
        <amount currencyCode="USD">10.00</amount>
                <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
                <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
        <baseAmount currencyCode="EUR">7.51</baseAmount>
            <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
            <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
            <detail xsi:type="keyDecimalValuePair">
            <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
            <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
            <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">

Example initiatePaymentResponse for failed funding:

<initiatePaymentResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <payment xsi:type="paymentWithPaymentAccount">
        <amount currencyCode="USD">10.00</amount>
            <description>Auth or CL Load failed and was NOT reversed (DECLINED)</description>
                <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
                <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
        <baseAmount currencyCode="EUR">7.51</baseAmount>
            <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
            <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">

Example initiatePaymentResponse for communication error:

<initiatePaymentResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <payment xsi:type="paymentWithPaymentAccount">
        <amount currencyCode="USD">10.00</amount>
            <description>Error occurred while processing payment communication for Payment[ID='32163088'].</description>
                <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
        <baseAmount currencyCode="EUR">7.51</baseAmount>
            <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
            <detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">

Example initiatePaymentResponse for refused by provider:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<initiatePaymentResponse xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
	<payment xsi:type="paymentWithPaymentAccount">
		<amount currencyCode="USD">20.45</amount>
			<description>Invalid username/password pair.</description>
				<detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
				<detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
					<value>Invalid username/password pair.</value>
				<detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
		<baseAmount currencyCode="EUR">15.37</baseAmount>
			<detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
			<detail xsi:type="keyDecimalValuePair">
			<detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
			<detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
				<detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
				<detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
				<detail xsi:type="keyIntValuePair">
				<detail xsi:type="keyIntValuePair">
				<detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">
					<value>Tsani Prodanov</value>
				<detail xsi:type="keyStringValuePair">

Following field is returned in paymentDetails of initiatePaymentResponse:

Field nameDescription
ProviderTransactionIDSightline`s unique transactionID.