CP/CNP (POS/ecom) merchants/shops

Different Message Formats for Card Payments

The PXP Financial Payment Service supports processing of CNP/Ecom and CP/POS card payments.

  • CNP/Ecom payment processing uses XML/JSON message format. See Card Deposits and initiatePayment for more information.
  • CP/POS payment processing uses a standardized GICC/UDK interface GICC Wikipedia. Contact PXP Financial Support for more information.

Rules for Merchants processing CNP/Ecom and CP/POS card payments

A merchant processing both CNP/Ecom and CP/POS card payments can be handled within one merchant registration. The differentiation between CP and CNP will be done on shop level. For each shop the following information needs to be provided:

  1. The shop.cardAcceptanceMode has to be set to either CNP (ecom) or CP (POS).
  2. For Ecom shops, the shop url has to be provided.
  3. For POS shops, the shop url is optional. It should be used to submit the URL of the companies website.

Submitting Card Payments for ecom (CNP) shops

Ecom (CNP) merchants/shops will submit transactions in XML/JSON format - see initiatePayment.
The merchant identifiers which need to be used are returned in the POST /merchants response:

  • merchantID: The value of the id field of the merchant.
  • shopID: The value of the id field of the shop.

Example POST /merchants response:

    "id": "6cdf3b3f-66e5-4a14-ade1-ceae56d603cc",
    "legalForm": "Cooperation",
    "name": "TestMerchant-Max QA",
    "shops": [
            "id": "a4026b7f-dc2a-446a-a397-252d32c874ed"

Initiating a payment for an Ecom merchant
Once the merchant has been notified as Active or PartiallyActive, payments can be initiated by using the GUIDs provided in the POST /merchants response as merchantID and shopID in the initiatePaymentRequest - see initiatePayment.

Example initiatePaymentRequest:

<initiatePaymentRequest xmlns="http://www.cqrpayments.com/PaymentProcessing" 

Submitting Card Payments for POS (CP) shops

POS (CP) merchants/shops will submit transactions in GICC message format.
For this operation, a different identifier, the POSGatewayMID, is needed.
This value is notified in the automated activation notification (API and/or email) which is sent when the merchant reaches the states Active or PartiallyActive.

Example notification email:

From: [email protected]
Subject: Merchant 70f4ed1f-8ba9-4ad9-9800-4fab7c564e63 has changed state to Active #0030782
5/16/2018 6:30 PM 

Example API notification:

   "createdOn":"2018-12-14 11:30:27:725",

Initiating a payment for a POS merchant

Once the merchant has been notified as Active or PartiallyActive, payments can be initiated by using the MID provided in the notification (see examples above). Details here: Notifications.

The Card Acceptor Id/identification code field is the merchant identifier which has to be used for submitting POS transactions in the GICC request (field: BMP 42).