Card Deposit Provider Response Codes

Applicable for card payment methods via CQRUK and AIB.

PXP Financial Payment Service provides response codes for both authorised and refused credit card payments. These codes are mapped from the Scheme response and based on ISO 8583 Response Codes. They are returned in the ProviderResponseCode and ProviderResponseDescription fields as detailed here.


Original Scheme Response Code

When it is necessary to consume the unmapped response code from the Schemes, merchants can opt to also receive the OriginalISOResponseCode field in the initiatePaymentResponse. The list of values corresponding to this field can be found further below on this page for Visa and MasterCard respectively.

Please note, this applies for Visa and MasterCard through CQRUK and AIB. For other Schemes, please contact our technical team for advice.


MasterCard and Visa Ecosystem Integrity

Both MasterCard and Visa have introduced additional rules and guidance around how to manage different kinds of transaction declines. For both, when the requirements are not adhered to, there will be fines which are levied for non-compliant behaviour.

More information can be found here for MasterCard and Visa respectively.

ISO 8583 Response Codes

Response CodeResponse Message
0Approved or completed successfully
1Refer to card issuer
2Refer to card issuer's special condition
3Invalid merchant
5Do NOT honor (REFUSED)
7Pick-up card, special condition
8HONOUR with identification
9Request in progress
10Approved for partial amount
11Approved (VIP)
12Invalid transaction
13Invalid amount
14Invalid card number (no such number)
15Unable to route to IEM
16Approved, update track 3
17Customer cancellation
18Customer dispute
19Re-enter transaction
20Invalid response
21No action taken
22Suspected malfunction
23Unacceptable transaction fee
24File update not supported by receiver
25Unable to locate record on file
26Duplicated file update record, old record replaced
27File update field edit error
28File update locked out
29File update not successful, contact acquirer
30Format error
31Issuer sign-off
32Completed partially
33Expired card
34Suspected fraud
35Card acceptor contact acquirer
36Restricted card
37Card acceptor call acquirer security
38Allowable PIN tries exceeded
39No credit account
40Request function not supported
41Lost card
42Universal account
43Stolen card
44No investment account
45Reserved for ISO use
46Reserved for ISO use
47Reserved for ISO use
48Reserved for ISO use
49Reserved for ISO use
50Reserved for ISO use
51Not sufficient funds
52No chequing account
53No savings account
54Expired card
55Incorrect PIN
56No card record
57Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58Transaction not permitted to terminal
59Suspected fraud
60Card acceptor contact acquirer
61Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
62Restricted card
63Security violation
64Original amount incorrect
65Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit OR Soft Decline: Additional Authentication Required
66Card acceptor call acquirer's security department
67Card to be picked up at ATM
68Response received too late
69Reserved for ISO use
70Reserved for ISO use
71Reserved for ISO use
72Reserved for ISO use
73Reserved for ISO use
74Reserved for ISO use
75Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
76Card Blocked
77Reserved from private use
78Reserved from private use
79Reserved from private use
Lifecycle Mastercard use only
80Network error
81Foreign network failure
82Time-out at IEM
Policy Mastercard use only
83Transaction failed
Security Mastercard use only
84Reserved from private use
85Reserved from private use
86PIN validation not possible
87Reserved from private use
88Cryptographic failure
89Authentication failure
90Cut OFF is in process
91Issuer or switch is inoperative
92Unable to route at AEM
93Transaction cannot be completed. Violation of law
94Duplicate transmission
95Reconcile error
96System malfunction
97to be defined
98to be defined
99to be defined
100to be defined

Visa Response Codes

0Approved and completed successfully
1Refer to card issuer
2Refer to card issuer, special condition
3Invalid merchant
4Pick up card (no fraud)
5Do not honor
7Pick up card, special condition (fraud account)
10Partial approval
11Approved (V.I.P)
12Invalid transaction
13Invalid amount or currency conversion field overflow
14Invalid account number (no such number)
15No such issuer
19Re-enter transaction
21No action taken
25Unable to locate record in file
28File temporarily not available for update or inquiry
39No credit account
41Lost card, pick up (fraud account)
43Stolen card, pick up (fraud account)
46Closed account
51Not sufficient funds
52No checking account
53No savings account
54Expired card or expiration date is missing
55Incorrect PIN or PIN missing
57Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58Transaction not allowed at terminal
59Suspected fraud
61Exceeds approval amount limit
62Restricted card (card invalid in this region or country)
63Security violation (source is not correct issuer)
64Transaction does not fulfill AML requirement
65Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
70PIN data required
74Different value than that used for PIN encryption errors
75Allowable number of PIN entry tries exceeded
76Unsolicited reversal
78“Blocked, first used”—Transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked
79Already reversed (by Switch)
80No financial impact
81Cryptographic error found in PIN
82Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results
85No reason to decline a request for address verification, CVV2 verification, or a credit voucher or merchandise return
86Cannot verify PIN; for example, no PVV
91Issuer or switch inoperative and STIP not applicable or not available for this transaction; Time-out when no stand-in; POS Check Service: Destination unavailable; Credit Voucher and Merchandise Return Authorizations: V.I.P. sent the transaction to the issuer, but the issuer was unavailable.
92Financial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing (receiving institution ID is invalid)
93Transaction cannot be completed - violation of law
94Duplicate transmission
96System malfunction
1AAdditional customer authentication required
6PVerification data failed
B1Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards or EBT food stamps (U.S. acquirers only)
N0Force STIP
N3Cash service not available
N4Cash request exceeds issuer or approved limit
N7Decline for CVV2 failure
N8Transaction amount exceeds preauthorized approval amount
P5Denied PIN unblock—PIN change or unblock request declined by issuer
P6Denied PIN change—requested PIN unsafe
Q1Card Authentication failed
R0Stop Payment Order
R1Stop all future payments
R2Transaction does not qualify for Visa PIN
R3Revocation of all authorizations order
Z3Unable to go online; offline-declined

MasterCard Response Codes

0Approved or completed successfully
1Refer to card issuer
3Invalid merchant
4Capture card
5Do not honor
8Honor with ID
10Partial Approval
12Invalid transaction
13Invalid amount
14Invalid card number
15Invalid issuer
30Format error
41Lost card
43Stolen card
51Insufficient funds/over credit limit
54Expired card
55Invalid PIN
57Transaction not permitted to issuer/cardholder
58Transaction not permitted to acquirer/terminal
61Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
62Restricted card
63Security violation
65Exceeds withdrawal count limit OR Identity Check Soft-Decline of EMV 3DS Authentication (merchant should resubmit authentication with 3DSv1)
70Contact Card Issuer
71PIN Not Changed
75Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
76Invalid/nonexistent “To Account” specified
77Invalid/nonexistent “From Account” specified
78Invalid/nonexistent account specified (general)
79Life cycle (Mastercard use only)
81Domestic Debit Transaction Not Allowed (Regional use only)
82Policy (Mastercard use only)
83Fraud/Security (Mastercard use only)
84Invalid Authorization Life Cycle
85Not declined.
Valid for all zero amount transactions
86PIN Validation not possible
87Purchase Amount Only, No Cash Back Allowed
88Cryptographic failure
89Unacceptable PIN—Transaction Declined—Retry
91Authorization System or issuer system inoperative
92Unable to route transaction
94Duplicate transmission detected
96System error